Use this text to share information about your product or shipping policies.
  • How's your shipment way?
    1.We ship all over the world.

    2.Fedex is about  4-7 days for deliver;DHL/USPS is about 10-15 days for deliver.

    3.Our shipment ways have never meet the problem on custom,We'll make sure your package is safe.
  • How can i pay?
    • 1.We accept Paypal, zelle, Wise and credit card for payment.

      2.Paypal can pay directly on the site, if you want to pay with other payment plz click the number
      Email: [email protected]
  • How long will it take to get my orders?
    • 1.We will pass your order and send an email to confirm immediately after receiving the payment.

      2.It normally takes 2-4 days to prepare your goods, and then you will receive your package in about 4-7 days via Fedex,and 10-15 days via DHL/USPS.

Canvas Apron

PU Apron

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